Breaking the Spread of Covid-19 with Palliatives

21st of May, 2020, Mordecai Care Foundation of Nigeria joined other organizations in the world in doing the sensitization of breaking the spread of Covid-19 pandemic with palliatives and prevention relief’s materials, fully sponsored by Good Deeds Day International.
In Nigeria, Osun State happened to benefit from this program executed by MCFN especially in the outskirt of Ile-Ife, at Ife Central Local Government to 40 widows who are beneficiaries of MCFN.
MCFN sensitized 40 widows with the following palliatives and preventive materials to break the spread of Covid19 pandemic in two communities.

1. 50 Hands Sanitizers

2. 50 Nose Covers

3. Hands Gloves

4. 2 ½ bags of Gaari

5. 1 of bag of Rice

6. 2 bags of Beans

7. 1 Pack of Spaghetti

8. 2 Cartons of Magik Detergent